Luminous Labs Internal Network – Log 553.64K 06-03-2114
Hello Lumins! It is time again for the annual Top Up program. We will once again be going up to the surface to hand out food and supplies to the people seeking refuge at Bravo and Charlie Camps.

As researchers, engineers, technicians, and staff of Luminous, it is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day grind of the Lab. This program is an opportunity to get reinvigorated and reminded of the reason we do what we do: the survival and betterment of our species!
The event was a massive success last year and we have had almost double the donations this time around, so we need volunteers who are excited to Top Up for a great cause!
How it Works:
- Search “Top Up” at any Lab Terminal or Jaxie kiosk
- Sign up for a team/available date
- Report to your designated Distribution Hub on your chosen date/time to check-in
- Have a blast with great people, meeting the top siders!
- and don’t forget to donate unused rations! Ask your team leaders for more info!
NOTE: We will not be able to return to Alpha Camp this year due to a routine quarantine lockdown of that area that will be happening at the same time. Top Up coordinators are working with Camp officials to stage donation deliveries so they may be distributed after the lockdown is complete.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all top side institutions in times of quarantine, hoping for continued good health or speedy recoveries for those effected by infectious disease.
Thank you again for your support of this program that is near and dear to our hearts! We hope to see you there.
Top Up Team Manager, Sofie Möller
Information on dates and times is attached to this communication